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how it works

Build your very own custom battle maps for your roleplaying games in three easy steps


tailored to your campaign!

Draw dungeons, buildings or overland terrain maps and populate them with assets to create the ultimate battlemap for your adventure.

The vector based editor in combination with our vast library of high resolution assets allows you to create highly detailed maps for use on screen or print.


to decorate your map and fill it with life!

Search our extensive asset library with over 3.000 assets from different time periods and settings to find the right ones for your story.

New asset packs are released on a monthly basis as part of our premium content subscription.


Play with others inside DungeonFog or export & print your maps

Whether you want to print your maps, export them for external virtual tabletops or show them to your players in a Fog-of-War manor – DUNGEONFOG is designed to fit your personal needs as a game master.

Create stunning ttrpg maps with

DUNGEONFOG Battlemap Editor


With the DUNGEONFOG Battlemap Editor you can create your RPG tabletop maps with just a few clicks – No more patching up map tiles!

Create multi-level dungeons, terrains or entire worlds in an instant. Generate your GM-Notes automatically and export or print high-res images and notes, or send a Fog of War version for your players to your TV!

Draw rooms with intuitive tools, connect them wiith doors and passages. Decorate your map with props from a library with +4000 assets. Add lightsources and adjust lighting settings to create atmospheric scenery for a full immersive experience for you and your players.


What you can do
Feature comparison
Features Free Premium Commercial
Map Slots
Create, share, clone or archive your maps
3 slots unlimited unlimited
Purchase additional map slots
Get more map slots in the marketplace
up to 12 slots unlimited map slots
unlimited map slots
Play online in Campaign mode
Invite your players and let them play on your map
Marketplace access
Purchase third-party props, textures, tokens and game assets
premium discount premium discount
Access to all +4000 Props and Textures
get access to the full library of content subscription assets
Fantasy, Modern, Sci-fi, Victorian, Cyberpunk and many more
base fantasy only
Monthly Asset Packs
New Props and Textures every month!
Room Templates
Create your own library of predefined and reusable rooms
Prop Templates
Create your own library of predefined and reusable prop groups
Map Color Filters
Add Filters like B&W, Sepia and more to style your map
High-Res Image Export Low-res with watermarks
Privately share your maps
Search maps
Find them by name, description or tags
Favourite maps
Quick access your favourites on the dashboard
Number of custom assets 100 10.000 50.000
Commercial use
Resell your creation or use them in commercial work.
Patreon connect
Access assets of verified Artists you have subscribed to.
Price Free

Sign up now
Starting at € 4,90 / Month

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€ 99,90 / Year

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Just copy and paste it into the checkout or claim it now by creating a new account.

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