Mapping it Out September

There was so much to unpack that we actually created a new record for streaming length this time. If you want to watch the full stream, learn about the new stuff for the battlemap editor and the new book that is being written together with Guy Sclanders, check it out here:


Sorting and Outlines


And while bigger tasks like the river tool and the tectonics suffered delays, we were able to finish some smaller tasks like the Z-Index sorting and the improved outline mode. Especially the Z-Index adjustments, that allow you to change the sorting order of assets was important for the coming updates: Caeora is about to finish the worldmap assets and they only fully shine, when you are able to sort and stack them to create new unique combinations.

The outline mode, as a precursor to the full recolorization of assets, has been updated and is now properly masking assets to create a new art style for maps.


Now that Ilya is here with us in Austria and is slowly settling in, we can turn our attention back to finishing the tectonics system and the merging of climate zones.

The challenge here is to find the right way to blend zones into each other. We have made some progress there, but as you will see in the stream there is still a lot to do until we can hand it out to you. We already have a few concepts that we can test and we are confident that we can find a good way to allow blending of different climates for the upcoming patch.



As a special guest, Caeora joined our stream to present the final set of all the worldmap assets that were funded through the KS campaign. With the worldmap editor going into the final phase, the art style being established and the technical requirements being defined, we had reached the point to start working on the final asset packs for DEIOS. It took us some time to figure out the right requirements and to make sure that they work great with the art style of DEIOS, but we are now ready!

Over the course of the summer, Caeora sat down and created over 2.5k new assets for the base packs, the additional settings and the flavor packs, as well as some additional asset packs that weren’t even planned in the beginning.

Digital Downloads!

With the upcoming update, we will start to roll out all those packs to you through DEIOS and (!!) additionally as digital downloads as well.

Caeora and I had a long conversation about this, as some of you were suggesting to hand out the assets as PNGs as well. We agreed that it makes sense to give them to you as PNGs for private use as well, so you can use them already, while DEIOS is being developed. Your support made it possible to create those assets in the first place, and we want to show our gratitude for your patience as development takes longer than initially expected. I want to point out that this was only possible due to the kindness and generosity of Caeora, as he agreed to adjust our licensing agreement to support this.


Therefore there are some things we need to figure out in coming weeks:

Caeora needs some time to finish the packs and create additional PNG packages.
We will not hand out all packs at once, but we will release them as they are being finished.
Once a pack is finished it will be added to DEIOS through the auto-updater and you will get access to the digital download of the pack as well.

Next Mapping it Out

We are going to celebrate our 4th Anniversary as DungeonFog and are currently working on a schedule for the live streams, so the next Mapping it Out might fall into the mix of streams and take place on a different date than usual. Make sure to follow us on our Social Media channels and Discord for further announcements regarding updates, news, and streaming schedule!

Until then, as always: Happy Mapmaking!

Presented by the Circle Of Worldbuilders





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