About the event

The Battle - November 11th 7pm UTC
➡️ twitch.tv/dungeonfog
The battle itself will be an interactive show, where LordGodd & Inkubus will have 3 hours to create a map based on the theme that you will pick live at the beginning of the show.
In addition to your initial theme vote, every 30 minutes you can add challenges to the battle by picking additional sub-topics that both contestants will have to incorporate in their maps. At the end of the night, it’s last click and submit. The maps will be collected by our two amazing moderators Till Lammer and Guy Sclanders and sealed in mighty warchest until the voting will start on the following Tuesday.
The Crowning - November 28th 7pm UTC
➡️ twitch.tv/dungeonfog
This is the moment where LordGodd or Inkubus learn their fate. The voting results are revealed for the first time in all their glory, or disaster state, to you.
To vote for the winner of the battle, the voting tool will be opened on Tuesday, November 14th until the very last second of the crowning ceremony in our monthly Mapping it Out stream. Join us in the live show and witness the tears of victory and failure when the Master of Maps will be crowned!
Both events will be moderated by our two amazing moderators Till Lammer and Guy Sclanders, who will make sure that all fights stay clean!