Tech Alpha 0.2.0 Launch

Technical ALPHA v0.2.1 Patch Notes


April 2021 v0.2.1 Stability and Performance improvements.

  • Added support for left & right CTRL / CMD / SHIFT keys
  • Improved key input handling
  • Limit rotation to [0, 360] in all rotation input fields
  • Adjusted pan speed
  • Stabilize pan and zoom speed
  • Reduce GPU over-usage in some instances
  • Added Multithreaded logging for error reports
  • Selection tool is now automatically active when launching the editor


In order to access the Alpha you must have backed or preordered the project.
You can still preorder by following the access-button below.


Note to all Kickstarter Backers:
To activate your account for the first time, please use the activation link you have received via email.
If you haven't received an activation link, please contact us at [email protected].

How do you test and give feedback?

We have reworked our crash reporter to report any exceptions and crashes automatically and anonymously. Digging through all the reports we received in our first ALPHA helped us to improve our methods and it is no longer required for you to submit your reports manually. Don’t worry - all we collect are the exceptions, error messages and system specifications that are necessary to understand what has caused the error. We do not collect any personal data at all.

But how do you give feedback then?
In the application itself we have implemented a feedback button that will bring you directly to our feedback submission form where you can submit your feedback.

Do you need assistance with uninstalling / installing?

We have updated our Help Desk where you can find all necessary steps for all operating systems.

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