Brand new GM Notes

Battlemap Editor update v5.7

Wouldn’t it be great if you could draw a map AND write your notes at the same time?

The concept behind the GM Notes tool was always to...

… help you save time!

Utilizing the dynamic map elements, you can place whole levels, rooms or room-groups into your notes and automatically create dynamic notes:

  • Create floorplans with legends and labels
  • Create detailed room descriptions
  • Add random encounter tables and stat blocks
  • And much more with a few clicks!
… help you to create beautifully layouted PDFs!
  • You want to create layouted handouts for your players?
  • Or you even want to publish* a small adventure on GM’s Guild or DriveThroughRPG, but you don’t know how to lay it out nicely?
  • Or maybe you just like to have well organized notes for yourself?
  • The new GM Notes allow you to gain full control over layouting your notes!

*requires commercial license

And now, with the new version released, it has never been easier to do so!

What's new?

We have completely reworked our GM Notes tools to create notes directly out of your maps

  • Full WYSIWYG text editor features
  • Add images, stat blocks and tables
  • Create dynamic notes for maps, rooms and room groups 
  • Create custom layouts
  • Add different notes styles (more to come!)
  • Fully customizable formatting options for each content block
  • Export as PDF for publishing or printer friendly
  • World Anvil integration
  • Shareable with you maps in public library

⚠️ Please note: To convert older notes, you need to open the Menu item Document > Show Old Notes and copy them over. An automated conversion was not possible.

A promise fulfilled

With the release of  the new GM Notes, we can proudly announce that we have finally fulfilled a promise from our initial DGNFOG Kickstarter campaign that was shamefully neglected for too long. With this new release our GM Notes have gotten the attention they deserve and are now living up to the expectations we always had for them (and beyond!).

"Do you tend to be late with gamemaster notes?

DUNGEONFOG is not just a drawing tool. It identifies each object on the map and converts it into a textual description, creating all the notes you'll need for your game. You can then edit the notes, change the layout, download them as PDF, or access them via smartphone or tablet — they're interactive too!"

– From the original Kickstarter campaign back in 2017

And while our first installment of the notes did all those things in its core, we knew that they were nowhere near their potential. We always said we want to improve them, but with all the new feature-requests and ideas you suggested, we constantly pushed them back in our roadmap to get other things done first. 

With DEIOS in the making, that will utilize notes as well, we decided that this year we really want to put an effort into making a versatile notes tool that can work for all types of maps, allows proper layouting and gives you a great way to quickly produce notes out of your maps.

And I think we can be proud of the result!

More to come!

For testing and finetuning we have launched the new GM Notes as BETA for now.
Over the next couple of weeks, we will optimize and add the final touches until we are satisfied with the results.

Upcoming things will be:

  • Video tutorials for basic usage, advanced rooms & notes optimization and layouting
  • API Access to bring your notes into other tools
  • Advanced managers for images, tables and stat blocks
  • A new way to combine several maps into full adventure modules.
  • Marketplace integration to sell / purchase full modules with notes and maps.

Want to help us develop our notes tools?

Please send your job applications exclusively via email to [email protected]!

Apply for: JavaScript Frontend Developer (m/f/x) (Remote)


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Create up to 3 maps with Fantasy assets and textures or search the vast public library for the optimal map for your adventure. Begin your adventure now!