DungeonFog FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions

Please review our FAQs, if you are unable to find an answer to your question please join us on discord or email us at [email protected].


Top Questions

What is the difference between Deios and the Battlemap Editor?
The Battlemap Editor is an online browser based application that requires a steady internet connection. Deios is an application based map making suite currently in Alpha that will allow for the creation of World and City maps.
I have a code, how do I activate it?

To activate your OnDemand or Universal code you need to create or sign into your account and then proceed to our redemption page: https://dungeonfog.com/redeem/

Will I get a subscription renewal reminder?

Subscription renewal reminders are sent directly from FastSpring ([email protected]) 7 days prior to renewal.


Subscriptions & Codes

Can I activate more than one code at a time?

Yes, OnDemand and Universal codes that grant premium time will add to your existing premium time.

If I have a subscription can I activate a code?

OnDemand codes cannot be activated while you have an active subscription. If you have a Universal code that grants premium time, the code will be activated but the premium time will not be added to your account, but you will gain the rest of the benefits the code may grant (maps/badges).

How do I update my payment information for my subscription?

To update your payment information proceed to “Manage Account”, scroll down to your subscription and click “Manage”. A new button “Open” will be generated, clicking this will open Fastspring in a new browser tab. In the Fastspring interface, click on the "Account Details and Payment Methods” tab.

How do I cancel my subscription?

To cancel your subscription proceed to “Manage Account”, scroll down to your subscription and click “Manage”. A new button “Open” will be generated, clicking this will open Fastspring in a new browser tab. Click on the “Manage” dropdown box and then select “Cancel Subscription”.

Commercial Licensing

What is the DungeonFog Commercial License?

The DungeonFog Commercial License is a licensing option provided by DUNGEONFOG GMBH for users who wish to use maps created with our editors for commercial purposes. It grants specific permissions to individuals or businesses to sell maps, use maps as part of paid content, or monetize content that includes DungeonFog maps.

When do I need a DungeonFog Commercial License?

You need a DungeonFog Commercial License if you engage in any of the following activities:

  • Selling Maps for Money - If you intend to sell maps created with DungeonFog, whether physically or digitally, directly or as part of a product you sell, you are required to obtain a commercial license.
  • Selling Map Packs - If you plan to sell map packs or content including DungeonFog-created maps on digital platforms like DrivethroughRPG or DMsGuild, you need a commercial license. An exception is made if you offer this content for free and only ask for optional tips.
  • Patreon, Ko-Fi, etc. Rewards - If you provide DungeonFog maps to your supporters through platforms like Patreon or Ko-Fi, etc. without charge, you do not require a commercial license. However, if you include DungeonFog maps as part of any paid tier or reward system, the commercial license is essential to comply with DungeonFog's licensing terms.
  • Other Content Behind a Paywall - If you create content such as videos, streams, or other forms of media that include DungeonFog maps, and this content requires payment to access, you must obtain a commercial license.
  • Monetized Platforms - You don't need a commercial license if you use DungeonFog maps as part of a video or stream, even if your platform is monetized. We would appreciate though, if you would add a shout out to us and offer a link to our website.
Is there a specific revenue threshold for the commercial license?

Yes, if your annual revenue related to activities mentioned above exceeds 100,000.00 EUR, you are required to get in contact with DungeonFog to discuss and obtain a different commercial license.

What rights does the DungeonFog Commercial License grant me?

The DungeonFog Commercial License grants you the right to use DungeonFog maps for commercial purposes as outlined above. It ensures that you can monetize your content while respecting DungeonFog's terms and conditions. To make sure that your maps are protected under the commercial license, you need to register them through the map option “Register Commercial License” that is available in your map settings (visible once you have a commercial license).

Is the DungeonFog Commercial License a one-time purchase, or does it require annual renewal?

The DungeonFog Commercial License is an annual subscription. By default, this subscription is set to auto-renew, ensuring continuous access to the Commercial License benefits. However, if you wish to adjust the renewal settings, you can do so in your subscription settings. This flexibility allows you to manage your subscription according to your needs and preferences.

What are the consequences of not obtaining a DungeonFog Commercial License when required?

Failure to obtain a DungeonFog Commercial License when necessary may result in but is not limited to legal issues, including potential copyright infringement claims. DungeonFog takes its licensing terms seriously to protect both its users and its intellectual property.

For any further questions or inquiries regarding the DungeonFog Commercial License, it is recommended to reach out to DungeonFog directly through their official channels for accurate and up-to-date information.

Other Questions

Why is the Campaign Manager not considered a VTT?

We do not consider the Campaign Manager to be a VTT because it does not include all the tools you expect a VTT to have. We did however want to provide a tool to use your maps in a virtual environment to enhance your games. With our Campaign Manager you are able to display maps through systems like projectors, TV or PC screens and have your party explore your maps with active Fog of War.

Refund Policy

DungeonFog Subscriptions

DungeonFog subscriptions are non-refundable. You can cancel your subscription at any time and your subscription will remain active until the end of its period.

Right to Withdrawal - In accordance with Fern- und Auswärtsgeschäfte-Gesetz (FAGG) (https://www.ris.bka.gv.at/GeltendeFassung.wxe?Abfrage=Bundesnormen&Gesetzesnummer=20008847) refunds will be issued if requested within the first 14 days of a new subscription. The right to withdrawal is forfeit upon downloading a map. No other refunds are available.

OnDemand Codes

Refunds for OnDemand codes are only available if the code has not yet been activated, requested within 14 days of purchase, and are only available to the original purchaser.

To request a refund of an OnDemand code, please contact us at [email protected] and provide the unused codes to be refunded and the orderID of your purchase (It looks like this: *DUNGEONFOGKG123456-7891-01112*).

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